Don Giovanni!

Between the gym and the travel agency: for a coffee with Jonathan Michie
Anna Elisabeth Diepold | Dramaturgin | Tuesday 24.01.2023

Are you a Don Giovanni ?

Fortunately not! No, I am not a Don Giovanni. However, I can certainly recognise the Giovanni potential in myself. That's why the character development will be so exciting. He is just as human as you and I, but he exaggerates every impulse.


Yup, for sure.

If Giovanni were a dish, a cocktail, a colour, a painting, a country, we would ... drink, ... travel!

Something that overwhelms the senses and demands attention ... a strong shot of whisky, a triple espresso, or a jump into the ice-cold sea. Shocking, invigorating, abruptly bringing you into this world.

Viva la libertà.

Why didn't it work out with Donna Elvira? Giovanni obviously put up with her the longest ... Did she perhaps get too close to him emotionally?

One could say that he has finally found an equal in Donna Elvira. The woman is full of strength and conviction. I am particularly looking forward to taking a closer look at this relationship in the rehearsals for this new production. It will be important to find moments when Giovanni stumbles and falters and is simultaneously frustrated and fascinated by those who fight back both physically and emotionally. He is used to people succumbing to his charisma and power, which has probably become quite boring for him. So when someone fights back and fights back, that is much more fascinating to him.

Is "Don Giovanni" still relevant? Why?

Absolutely. The human being itself has not changed, and Da Ponte's libretto is a wonderful source in which we can explore our own humanity.

What do you like to do between two rehearsals or on a free weekend?

Being able to travel around Europe in my spare time makes life in Germany even nicer. I also go to the gym a lot to stay fit for the stage. And I'm interested in computers, new tech trends, and I'm always happy when it's US baseball season.